There are a lot of things business will accomplish, some indicators for a successful business are low turnover with employees, in good standing with A/P, credit score, Gov. regulation compliance, healthy balance sheet and P&L statements, but most of all people generally say customer satisfaction is the highest indicator of success. I would challenge that statement. It not just enough to have good customers service or have happy customers. Customer loyalty is a much greater indicator for success of a business. Customers that will not just use you again but customers that will refer your company. The company that I own is ZEROEZ of SPOKANE and in the past we sent out a in house survey in a email to each customer during the 1st quarter of this year we switched our survey to 3rd party company called SYSTINO. They produce a net promoter score for our company and each of our technicians based on an algorithm derived from customer feed back indicating if our clients are loyal to the point that they would trust us with there coworkers friends and family. This has truly opened a new dimension on how to track and view how important customers are to us and the quality of referrals they will offer as a loyal customer instead of just a happy customer. We have integrated a systino api to give our customers real time feedback that gets posted to our face book page in our daily feed back reviews tab. Click the link below to go to our page see the reviews and "like" zerorez while your at it.!/pages/Zerorez-of-Spokane-LLC/6900381867?sk=app_140292018620